Teme pentru lucrările de disertaţie
Programul de studii universitare de masterat: Tehnici Avansate pentru Prelucrarea Informaţiei (în limba engleză) [Advanced Techniques for Information Processing]
Nr. crt |
Numele şi prenumele |
Titlul temei |
Coordonator ştiinţific |
Obs. |
1 | Alexandru M.G. Bogdan Ionuț | E-book sharing store web application | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
2 | Argeșeanu G. Iustin George | Mobile Application for Social Assistance Activities | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
3 | Bădița C.G. Bogdan Cristian | Autonomous system in solving 2D mazes using Lego Mindstorms and Python algorithms | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
4 | Barbu V. Vasile | |||
5 | Bobeică V. Dragoș Cristian | A Computer Application for Launching and Tracking Requests for IT Help Desk | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
6 | Cloșcă D. Cosmina Dumitrița | Statistics Teachers | Lector univ.dr. Viorel PĂUN | |
7 | Drăgulea A. George Adrian | |||
8 | Drăgulea A. Ionuț Alexandru | |||
9 | Florea E. Georgiana Diana | Web application for recruiting and selecting the employers of a company | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
10 | Florescu E. George Cătălin | Building a Smart Home using Internet of Things | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
11 | Gherghina I. Laura Georgeta | Developing web applications using Angular 2 and Reactive Programming | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
12 | Ionescu F. Andreea | Designing and Implementing an Online Tool using Salesforce Modules along with Visualforce and Apex | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
13 | Ionescu F. Nicoleta Daniela | Genetic algorithms. Case Study | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
14 | Ivan I. Constantin Gabriel | Mobile platform for staying informed regarding your possible jobs or the university's news | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
15 | Mărășoiu A.V. Mariana Iulia | Web application for managing an online store | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
16 | Marin C. Liviu Andrei | Application for interview and evaluation of students by employers | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
17 | Moncea P. Ionuț Valeriu | Web technologies for managing the activities of a scientific event | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
18 | Naum C.M. Paul | Mobile App. Shared Playlist Generator | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
19 | Oprea M. Marius Romică | Cross platform mobile application that connects drivers in real time | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
20 | Pîrvan N. Marian | Web services and notification mechanisms | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
21 | Popa M. Ionuț Traian | |||
22 | Popescu P.M. Ioan Andrei | Information System for Monitoring Employees a Company | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
23 | Prostoiu C. Daniel Constantin | iOS Application for Personal Financial Management | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
24 | Radu C. Florin Georgian | Web Management Software for establishing a better communication between students and employers | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
25 | Saru I. Cornel Ionuț | Android and Web application for blood donation | Lector univ.dr. Maria MIROIU | |
26 | Stămoiu A. Aurelia | Automation testing of a mobile application | Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU | |
27 | Tudose I. Andrei | Real-time Web-Mobile Applications | Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN | |
28 | Tuță C. Constantin Cosmin | Shortest-path algorithms | Conf.univ.dr. Costel BĂLCĂU |
Pentru înscrierea la Examenul de finalizare a studiilor, studenţii de la studiile universitare de masterat trebuie să-şi aleagă o temă şi să completeze o cerere pe care o vor depune la secretariat până la data de 15.12.2018.
Modelul de cerere pentru tema lucrării de disertaţie poate fi descărcat de aici.
Eventualele neconcordanţe legate de nume, prenume, iniţială sau titlul temei vor fi comunicate Coordonatorului ştiinţific!
Teme disponibile
Conf.univ.dr. Costel BĂLCĂU
Conf.univ.dr. Doru CONSTANTIN
Conf.univ.dr. Doru-Anastasiu POPESCU
Prof.univ.dr. Tudor BĂLĂNESCU